Working/Preview Page for Steve's Online Show 

Steve, the spacing is off and payment buttons won't be so big... but I just wanted you to see the pics and setup. It looks pretty cool on the actual blog... with the black and white themed background... I've started to add some basic descriptions, you can tell how far I've gotten. T

A lovely black and white panda, with pieced inserts around the eyes.

Fully jointed & 15" in size.


A gorgeous red mohair bear with patriotic theme ruffle. Vintage chest pin.
Fully jointed. 17" in size.
Bemis and Bemis Jr.

Gorgeous fabric bears made from vintage feed sacks.

No two are alike. Fully jointed.


Bemis (large size) is 15" in size and has lighter paw pads. $235

Bemis Jr. is 13" in size. $185
Patriotic Jester

Patriotic jester bear, made from red, white and blue mohair.

With flag paw pads, red/white striped ruffle and vintage chest buttons.

Fully jointed. 13" in size.



A great scruffy peanut butter colored mohair "bare" bear.

Fully jointed. 15" in size.



A large bear, dressed as sailor.   " in size, jointed. Dressed in wonderful wool-look sailor outfit.

Antique shoes complete the outfit.


(U.S. Shipping for this piece is $30.)

Please contact Steve for International Shipping estimate..
Vintage Dressed Girl Bear

A large girl bear, dressed in vintage dress (a few minor pinholes, handle carefully), pantaloons and socks. Great lace up antique shoes & vintage ribbon. Fully jointed.


(U.S. shipping for this piece is $30.)

Please contact Steve for International Shipping estimate..
Santa Bear

Santa bear is made from beige and red mohair. Red mohair suit is a permanent part of the bear. Fully jointed. 15" in size.



Made from golden tan Schulte mohair, Charlotte is a fully jointed bear, 12 inches tall, with vintage shoe button eyes and embroidered nose and mouth. Her gorgeous clothing is made by a famous German doll dress company.

The BEAR-"S"-ENCE brass logo mark can be found low on the back of the head.


Bear on Fours
Classic Steve Schutt Design.  12" in size. $235
Beddie Bye
Classic Steve Schutt Design.  15" in size. $235
Classic miniature design by Steve Schutt.  4" in size. A functional puppet for your bear to wear. $40 with $5 US Shipping and $15 International Shipping
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